
There is no greater illustration of corporate America's moral decay than Amazon. Amazon fired manager protesting Covid-19 infections in warehous.e
Roadside History of Wyoming (Paperback)
by Candy Moulton
Paperback from Mountain Press Publishing Company
History of Wyoming (Second Edition)
by T. A. Larson
Paperback from University of Nebraska Press
Wyoming: A History (Bicentennial & Historical Guide)
by T. A. Larson
Paperback from W. W. Norton & Company
Along the Ramparts of the Tetons: The Saga of Jackson Hole, Wyoming
by Robert B. Betts
Paperback from University Press of Colorado
Frontier Spirit: The Story of Wyoming
by Craig Sodaro, Randy Adams
Paperback from Johnson Books
The Wyoming Lynching of Cattle Kate, 1889
by George W. Hufsmith
Paperback from High Plains Pr
Wyoming Folklore: Reminiscences, Folktales, Beliefs, Customs, and Folk Speech (Possible Futures)
by Federal Writers' Project
In 1935, in the depths of the Great Depression, Franklin Roosevelt issued an executive order creating the Federal Writers’ Project (FWP). Out-of-work teachers, writers, and scholars fanned out across the country to collect and document local lore. This book reveals the remarkable results of the FWP in Wyoming at a time when it was still possible to interview Civil War veterans and former slaves, homesteaders and Oregon Trail migrants, soldiers of the Great War and Native Americans who remembered Little Big Horn. The work of the FWP in Wyoming, collected and edited here for the first time, comprises a rich repository of folklore and history and a firsthand look at the Old West in the process of becoming the new American frontier. Wyoming Folklore presents the legends, local and oral histories, and pioneer stories that defined the state in the early twentieth century.
Paperback from Bison Books - ISBN: 0803243022
Ghost Towns of the Mountain West: Your Guide to the Hidden History and Old West Haunts of Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Nevada
by Philip Varney
Paperback from Voyageur PressAlong the Ramparts of the Tetons: The Saga of Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Wyoming (From Sea to Shining Sea, Second)
by Alexandra Hanson-Harding
Paperback from Children's Press(CT)
by Robert B. Betts
(Paperback - November 1978)An Ear in His Pocket: The Life of Jack Slade
by Roy P O'Dell, Roy Paul O'Dell, Kenneth C. Jessen
Paperback from J. V. Publications
Black Gold: Patterns in the Development of Wyoming's Oil Industry
by Mike Mackey
Listeed under Oil IndustryBooms & Busts on Bitter Creek: A History of Rock Springs, Wyoming
by Robert B. Rhode
(Hardcover)Campfire Tales of Jackson Hole
by Merlin K. Potts (Editor), Roth Harmon (Illustrator)
(Paperback)A Canyon Voyage: Narrative of the Second Powell Expedition Down the Gree-Colorado River from Wyoming, and the Explorations on Land, in the Years ...
by Frederick S. Dellenbaugh
Listed under John Wesley PowellCoyotes and Canaries: Characters Who Made the West Wild and Wonderful!
by Larry K. Brown
Hardcover from High Plains Pr
Discovering Dinosaurs in the Old West: The Field Journals of Arthur Lakes
by Michael F. Kohl (Editor), et al
Expeditions to Colorado and Wyoming 1877 to 1880
Listed under PaleontologyDreamers & Schemers : Profiles from Carbon County, Wyoming's Past
by Lori Van Pelt
Listed under Wyoming GenealogyDrybone: A History of Fort Fetterman, Wyoming
by Tom Lindmier
Paperback from High Plains Pr
The Early Days in Jackson Hole
by Virginia Huidekoper
(Hardcover)Frontier Spirit: The Story of Wyoming
by Craig Sodaro, Randy Adams
Paperback from Johnson BooksFinn Burnett, Frontiersman (Frontier Classics)
by Robert Beebe David, Robert Clark
Paperback from Stackpole Books
Fort Bridger, Wyoming: Trading Post for Indians, Mountain Men and Westward Migrants
by Hunt Janin
Hardcover from McFarland & Company
Ghosts on the Range: Eerie True Tales of Wyoming
by Debra D. Munn
Paperback from Pruett Publishing Co.
1991Heart Mountain : Life in Wyoming's Concentration Camp
by Mike Mackey
Paperback from Western History Publications
History of Wyoming
by Taft Alfred Larson, Jack Brodie
Paperback from Univ of Nebraska Pr
1990The Hog Ranches of Wyoming: Liquor, Lust, and Lies Under Sagebrush Skies
by Larry K. Brown
(Paperback)Hot Springs County (Images of America: Wyoming)
by Alex Service, Dorothy Milek
Paperback from Arcadia
Incident at Bitter Creek: The Story of the Rock Springs Chinese Massacre
The Important Things of Life: Women, Work, and Family in Sweetwater County, Wyoming, 1880-1929 (Women in the West)
by Dee Garceau
Hardcover from Univ of Nebraska Pr
by Craig Storti
(Hardcover - March 1991)Indians Along the Oregon Trail: The Tribes of Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon and Washington Identified
by Bert Webber
Listed under Native AmericansIndians in Yellowstone National Park
by Joel C. Janetski
Paperback: 145 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.47 x 8.94 x 6.06
Publisher: Univ of Utah Pr (Trd); ; Revised edition (June )
ISBN: 0874807247Lost in the Yellowstone: Truman Everts's "Thirty-Seven Days of Peril"
by Truman Everts, Lee H. Whittlesey
Paperback from Univ of Utah Pr (Trd)
Petticoat Prisoners of Old Wyoming
by Larry K. Brown
Accounts of women prisoners in Wyoming penitentiaries. For young readers.
(Paperback)A Ride to the Infernal Regions: Yellowstone's First Tourists
by Calvin C. Clawson
Paperback from Riverbend Publishing
Roadside Geology of Wyoming (Roadside Geology Series)
by Darwin R. Spearing, David R. Lageson
Listed under Roadside GeologyRoadside Geology of the Yellowstone Country (Roadside Geology Series)
by William J. Fritz
Listed under Roadside GeologyTom Horn: Blood on the Moon: Dark History of the Murderous Cattle Detective
by Chip Carlson, Larry D. Ball
Listed under Tom Horn
The Wind Is My Witness: A Wyoming Album
Where Rivers Change Direction
by Mark Spragg
Growing up in rural Wyoming, Mark Spragg learned early to read the stars. At 11 he was instructed to quit dreaming, and he went to work for his father on the land. "I was paid thirty dollars a month, had my own bed in the bunkhouse, and three large, plain meals each day." The ranch is a sprawling place where winter brings months of solitude and summer brings tourists from the real world--city types who want a taste of the outdoors and stare at the author and his family as if they were members of some exotic tribe: "Our guests were New Jersey gas station owners, New York congressmen, Iowa farmers, judges, actors, plumbers, Europeans who had read of Buffalo Bill and Sitting Bull and came to experience the American West, the retired, the just beginning." By the age of 14, he and his younger brother are leading them on camping trips into deep woods. "No one ever asked why we had no televisions, no daily paper. They came for what my brother and I took for granted. They came to live the anachronism that we considered our normal lives."As Spragg comes to realize the strangeness of his life, he also detects flaws in his own character--a fear of suffering and mortality that first shows itself when he rides a sick horse too hard, until the animal hovers at the brink of death. He knows that if he had faced the possibility of sickness, if he had been brave, this animal would not have declined so quickly. Throughout his life, this inability to face death, this terror of losing the beauty of the world he so passionately witnesses, drives Spragg to distraction.
Where Rivers Change Direction combines a soaring spirituality with a visceral, often stomach-churning attention to detail. It's a book that continually dares the reader to turn away from its pages in an effort to digest the power of its confused emotions and hauntingly spare images (a "moon-fried plain," a stillborn child "baked alive in my mother's body"). Like Peter Matthiessen's The Snow Leopard, Mark Spragg's memoir makes you feel you've been somewhere, you've been out in the depths, and you've come back changed. --Emily White, Amazon.com
Paperback from Riverhead Books
by Mark Junge
(Hardcover)Wind River Adventures: My Life in Frontier Wyoming
by Edward J. Farlow
Paperback from High Plains Pr
Wyoming (America the Beautiful. Second Series)
by Deborah Kent
(School & Library Binding)The Wyoming Lynching of Cattle Kate, 1889
by George W. Hufsmith
Paperback: 368 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.04 x 8.48 x 5.57
Publisher: High Plains Pr;
ISBN: 0931271169Wyoming Pioneer Woman: Pauline Krueger Bayer
by Margaret Canfield Bayer, Otis Carney
(Mass Market Paperback)Wyoming Place Names
by Mae Urbanek
Paperback from Mountain Press Publishing Company
1988Wyoming's Territorial Sheriffs
by Ann Gorzalka
Listed under Western LawmenField guide to the vascular plants of Grand Teton National Park and Teton County, Wyoming
Out of Print - Try Used BooksSaddlemakers of Sheridan County, Wyoming
Out of Print - Try Used BooksWyoming's Wind River Range (Wyoming Geographic Series, No 2)
by Joseph Kelsey, Joe Kelsey
(Paperback - October 1988)
Out of Print - Try Used Books
Wyoming Posters
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