
There is no greater illustration of corporate America's moral decay than Amazon. Amazon fired manager protesting Covid-19 infections in warehous.e
About Hawaii's Volcanoes
by L. R. McBride
Listed under VolcanoesThe Aloha Shirt: Spirit of the Islands
by Dale Hope, Gregory Tozian (Contributor)
(Hardcover)Aloha Attire: Hawaiian Dress in the Twentieth Century
by Linda B. Arthur
Hardcover from Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.
Special OrderAncient Hawaii
by Herb Kane (Illustrator)
Book Description: How ancient Polynesian explorers found the Hawaiian Islands, the most remote in Earth's largest sea; how they navigated, how they viewed themselves and their universe, and the arts, crafts, and values by which they survived and prospered without metals or the fuels and inventions believed necessary for life today.
Hardcover: 111 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.50 x 9.75 x 5.75
Publisher: Kawainui Press; 0 edition (August 8, )
ISBN: 0943357039Ancient Hawaiian Civilization
by Kenneth Emory
Mass Market Paperback from Booklines Hawaii, Ltd.
Special OrderAutobiography of Protest in Hawai'i
by Robert H. Mast, Anne B. Mast
Paperback from University of Hawaii Press
Around the World With a King
by William N. Armstrong
Book Description This incredible journey began in 1887 and took King Kalakoua to the Unites States of America, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Siam, Singapore, Malaya, India, Egypt, Rome, London, Belgium, Vienna, Spain, Portugal, France, and back to Hawaii through the United States again. A unique and insightful glimpse into these states and elites at the end of the nineteenth century full of fascinating events, encounters, and stories.
Publisher: Kegan Paul Intl; 0 edition (September 15, )
Special OrderAudubon Guide to the National Wildlife Refuges : California & Hawaii
by Loren Mac Arthur, et al
Listed under Audubon BooksThe Birdwatcher's Guide to Hawai'i
by Rick Soehren
Listed under Pacific Island BirdsThe Betrayal of Liliuokalani: Last Queen of Hawaii 1838-1917
by Helena G. Allen
Publisher: Mutual Publishing; Reprint edition (December 1991)Cane Fires: The Anti-Japanese Movement in Hawaii, 1865-1945 (Asian American History and Culture Series)
by Gary Y. Okihiro, Gary Y. Ckihiro
Paperback from Temple Univ Press
1992Chinese Migrant Networks and Cultural Change: Peru, Chicago, Hawaii, 1900-1936
by Adam McKeown
Paperback from University of Chicago Press
A Concise History of the Hawaiian Islands
by Phil Barnes, Dr. Phil Barnes
(Paperback)A Cup of Aloha: The Kona Coffee Epic
by Gerald Kinro
Paperback from University of Hawaii Press
David Kalakaua
by Ruby Lowe
Publisher: Booklines Hawaii, Ltd.; (March )
Special OrderEarly Sunday Morning : The Pearl Harbor Diary of Amber Billows, Hawaii, 1941 (Dear America)
by Barry Denenberg
Listed under Pearl HarborFragile Paradise: The Impact of Tourism on Maui, 1959-2000
by Mansel G. Blackford
(Hardcover)Call for Hawaiian Sovereignty
by Michael Kioni Dudley, Keoni Kealoha Agard
This book has brought thousands to support Hawaiian Sovereignty. It gave the movement a calmly reasoned argument, detailing facts that cried for justice. Now in its eleventh year, it is recognized as "the Handbook on Hawaiian Sovereignty."
In the hundred years after the American overthrow of the monarchy, generations learned a history revised to make the conqueror right and good. This is the first book to tell Hawaiian history from the Hawaiian point of view. It also discusses the present status of the Hawaiian people, and their need for both their own lands and their own government in order for their race to survive. It discusses the growth of the sovereignty movement over the last thirty years, and presents models of nationhood that have been proposed. The book is written by a non-Hawaiian and a Hawaiian.
(Hardcover - January 1993)Emma: Hawaii's Remarkable Queen
by George S. Kanahele
Publisher: Queen Emma Foundation;Emma Naea Rooke (1836-1855 Beloved Queen of Hawaii)
by Russell E. Benton
Publisher: Edwin Mellen Press; (December 1988)Exiles From Time - Stories of Hawaii
by Ian MacMillan
Paperback from Anoai Press
Firsts and Almost Firsts in Hawaii (Kolowalu Book)
by Robert C. Schmitt, Ronn Ronck
Paperback from University of Hawaii Press
From a Native Daughter: Colonialism and Sovereignty in Hawaii
by Haunani-Kay Trask, Hauani-Kay Trask, Haunani-Kay Trask
Paperback from University of Hawaii Press
Fragile Paradise: The Impact of Tourism on Maui, 1959-2000
by Mansel G. Blackford
Hardcover from Univ Pr of Kansas
Hawaiian Quilt Masterpieces
To Steal a Kingdom
by Michael Dougherty
The story of Liliuokalani:, last queen of Hawaii (1838-1917), and the great injustice done to her people.
Paperback: 246 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.83 x 9.02 x 6.07
Island Style Pr; ISBN: 096334840X; ()
by Robert Shaw
Listed under QuiltingHawaii: The Big Island: A Visit to a Realm of Beauty, History and Fire
by Glen Grant, et al
(Hardcover - September 1989)Hawaii Postcards
by David Muench
Listed under Travel PostcardsHawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen
by Liliu'okalani, Queen Liluokalani, Queen Liliuokalani
Paperback from Charles E Tuttle Co
1991Hawaii Looking Back
by Glen Grant, Bennett Hymer
Hardcover from Mutual Publishing
Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen
by Lilliuokalani
Paperback from Mutual Publishing
Special OrderHawaiian Natural History, Ecology, and Evolution
by Alan C. Ziegler
Hardcover from University of Hawaii Press
Hawaiian surfriders, 1935
by Tom Blake
Listed under SurfingHonolulu Cop
by Gary A. Dias
Paperback from The Bess Press
Kaiulani: The People's Princess, Hawaii, 1889 (The Royal Diaries)
by Ellen Emerson White
(Hardcover)Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen
by Liliu'okalani
Publisher: Charles E Tuttle Co; Reissue edition (October 1991)The Legends and Myths of Hawaii: The Fables and Folk-Lore of a Strange People
by David Kalakaua
Publisher: Charles E Tuttle Co; (September 1972)Hawaii Chronicles II: Contemporary Island History from the Pages of Honolulu Magazine
by Bob Dye
Publisher: University of Hawaii Press; (December )The Hawaiian Kingdom
by Ralph Simpson Kuykendall.
Publisher: University of Hawaii Press; (March )Hawaiian Kingdom 1854-1874, Twenty Critical Years
by Ralph S. Kuykendall.
Publisher: University of Hawaii Press; (March )Hawaiian Kingdom 1874-1893, the Kalakaua Dynastism
by Ralph S. Kuykendall.Kingship and Sacrifice
by Valerio ValeriKaiulani, Crown Princess of Hawaii
by Nancy Webb and Jean Francis WebbHaleakala National Park (True Book (Cloth))
by David Petersen
(School & Library Binding)The Island Edge of America: A Political History of Hawai'i
by Tom Coffman
Paperback from University of Hawaii Press
The Ilse: 1st Generation Korean Immigrants in Hawaii, 1903-1973 (Hawaii Studies on Korea)
by Wayne Patterson
Paperback from University of Hawaii Press
Issei: Japanese Immigrants in Hawaii
by Yukiko Kimura
Paperback from University of Hawaii Press
1992The Koreans in Hawai'I: A Pictorial History, 1903-2003
by Roberta Chang, Wayne Patterson
Hardcover from University of Hawaii Press
Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawai'i
by Warren Lambert Wagner, S. H. Sohmer
Listed under Tropical GardeningThe Mau Lineage (Hawaii Chinese History Center)
by Edward Seu Chen Mau
Listed under Hawaii GenealogyMolokai: The Story of Father Damien
by Hilde Eynikel, Lesley Gilbert
Paperback from St Pauls Pubns
Na Wahi Pana 'O Ko'Olau Poko: Legendary Places of Ko'Olau Poko
by Anne Kapulani Landgraf, Fred K. Meinecke
Hardcover from University of Hawaii Press
1994Kaiulani, Crown Princess of Hawaii
by Nancy Webb, Jean Francis Webb
Mass Market Paperback from Booklines Hawaii, Ltd.
Malamalama: A History of the University of Hawai'i
by Robert M. Kamins, Robert E. Potter, University of Hawaii (System), O. A. Bushnell
Hardcover from University of Hawaii Press
Merchant Prince of the Sandalwood Mountains: Afong and the Chinese in Hawaii
by Bob Dye
Hardcover from University of Hawaii Press
Special OrderRoadside Geology of Hawaii
by Richard W. Hazlett, Donald W. Hyndman
Listed under Roadside GeologyPana O`Ahu: Sacred Stones, Sacred Land
by Jan Becket (Compiler), et al
(Hardcover)Pau Hana: Plantation Life and Labor in Hawaii, 1835-1930
by Ronald Takaki
(Paperback - August 1984)Remains of a Rainbow: Rare Plants and Animals of Hawaii
by David Liittschwager, et al
(Hardcover)Shoal of Time: A History of the Hawaiian Islands
by Gavan Daws
Book Description:
Gavan Daws' remarkable achievement is to free Hawaiian history from the dust of antiquity. Based on years of work in the documentary sources, Shoal of Time emerges as the most readable of all Hawaiian histories.
Starting with the Western discovery of the islands in 1778--on through the days of the whalers, the missionary period, the plantation era with its vast numbers of Oriental immigrants, to the fall of the Hawaiian monarchy, annexation by the United States, and the long, slow move to statehood--the characters and events of Hawaii's past shine with new vitality and immediacy.
Publisher: University of Hawaii Press; (February 1989)Sand to Sea: Marine Life of Hawaii (A Kolowalu Book)
by Stephanie Feeney, Ann Fielding, Ed Robinson
Hardcover from University of Hawaii Press
1989Social Process in Hawai'i, No. 39 : Politics and Social Movements in Hawai'I -Essays in Honor of Marion Kelly
by Ibrahim G. Aoude
Paperback from University of Hawaii Press
Special OrderStories of Hawaii
by Jack London, A. Grove Day
Paperback from Mutual Publishing
Special OrderThe Japanese American Historical Experience in Hawaii
by Jonathan Y. Okamura
Paperback from Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company
Out of Print - Try Used BooksAncient History of the Hawaiian People to the Times of Kamehameha I
by Glen Grant.
Out of Print - Try Used BooksHawai'i Chronicles: Island History from the Pages of Honolulu Magazine
edited by Bob Dye
Out of Print - Try Used BooksNation Within: The Story of America's Annexation of the Nation of Hawaii
by Tom Coffman.
Out of Print - Try Used BooksWarrior King: Hawaii's Kamehameha the Great
by Richard Tregaskis
Out of Print - Try Used Books
Hawaii Posters
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