
There is no greater illustration of corporate America's moral decay than Amazon. Amazon fired manager protesting Covid-19 infections in warehous.e
Animal Tracks of the Great Lakes States : Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Wisconsin
by Chris Stall
Listed under Nature: Field GuidesBrandywine Battlefield Park: Pennsylvania Trail of History Guide
by Thomas J. McGuire, Craig A. Benner, Kyle R. Weaver
Paperback from Stackpole Books
Big Steel: The First Century of the United States Steel Corporation, 1901-2001
by Kenneth Warren
Hardcover from Univ of Pittsburgh Pr (Txt)
Chester County Historical Society
by Peter B. Schiffer
Packed with useful information about historic Chester County, one of the original sections of Pennsylvania, this small, photo illustrated book introduces the distinctive land, buildings, furnishings and library which comprise the Chester County Historical Society in the old Quaker-settled town of West Chester. Contents include the 1704 Brinton House, 1727 Collins Mansion, 1790 David Townsend house, and log constructed Hopper House and barn as well as local pottery, needlework, pictures, dishes, toys and furniture used in the county through the nineteenth century. Since many American families have ancestors from this region, the library is an important resource for genealogy and historical studies.
Paperback: 69 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.25 x 9.50 x 6.00
Publisher: Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.; ; (January 1, )
ISBN: 0686703413Chester County, Pennsylvania, Inventories
by Margaret B. Schiffer
Listed under Pennsylvania GenealogyCelebrating 200 Years: The Butler County, Pennsylvania Bicentennial
County Courthouses of Pennsylvania : A Guide
by Oliver P. WilliamsBuried Genealogical Data: A Complete List of Addressed Letters Left in the Post Offices of Philadelphia, Chester, Lancaster...
Listed under New Jersey GenealogyBound to Be a Soldier : The Letters of Private James T. Miller, 111th Pennsylvania Infantry, 1861-1864.
by James Todd Miller, Galen R. Wilson (Editor), Jedediah Mannis (Editor)
Listed under Civil War PennsylvaniaDiscoursing Sweet Music: Town Bands and Community Life in Turn-Of-The Century Pennsylvania
by Kenneth KreitnerAmphibians and Reptiles of Pennsylvania and the Northeast (Comstock Book in Hereptology)
by Arthur C. Hulse et al.
Listed under ReptilesThe Delaware Finns Or The First Permanent Settlements in Pennsylvania, Delaware, West New Jersey and Eastern Part of Maryland
Listed under Delaware HistoryErie Maritime Museum and US Brig Niagara: Pennsylvania Trail of History Guide
by Chris J. Magoc, Christopher J. Magoc
(Paperback -- March )Early Coal Mining in the Anthracite Region
by John Stuart Richards
Book Description The Images of America Series presents a remarkable look into the history of the Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania through an extraordinary pictorial tour guide. This book is a journey into a world that was once very familiar. These vintage photgraphs of collieries, breakers, miners, drivers, and breaker boys illuminate the dark of the anthracite mines. The pictures of miners, roof falls, mules, and equipment deep underground tell the story of the hard lives lived around the hard coal. Pictures caputures scenes of the coal miners when their faces were blackened by coal and when helmet lamps lit by fire that are no longer parts of the everyday lives of miners in the region.
Paperback: 128 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.32 x 9.74 x 6.34
Publisher: Arcadia;
ISBN: 0738509787The Farm : Life in Colonial Pennsylvania (Adventures in Colonial America)
by James E. Knight, Karen Milone (Illustrator)
Reading level: Ages 9-12A Coal Miner's Bride: The Diary of Anetka Kaminska, Lattimer, Pennsylvania, 1896
by Susan Campbell Bartoletti
Fiction, suitable for children - listed under Dear America SeriesFrom Sugar Camps to Star Barns : Rural Life and Landscape in a Western Pennsylvania Community ...
by Sally Ann McMurry
Book Description Rural Pennsylvania's landscapes are evocative, richly textured testimonies to the lives and skills of generations of builders—architects as well as local builders and craft workers. Farmhouses and barns, silos and fences, even field patterns attest to how residents over the years have a sense of place that was not only functional but also comfortable and aesthetically appropriate for the time. From Sugar Camps to Star Barns tells the story of one such place, a landscape that evolved in southwestern Pennsylvania's Somerset County.Five Smooth Stones : Hope's Diary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1776, (My America)
by Kristiana Gregory
Hardcover from Scholastic
Flight 427: Anatomy of an Air Disaster
by Gerry Byrne
Listed under Aviation DisastersGrowing Up Italian in God's Country
by Patricia Costa Viglucci
Paperback from Stone Pine Books-Patri Pubns
Growing Up in Coal Country
by Susan Campbell Bartoletti
Hardcover from Houghton Mifflin Co
Gettysburg: A Battlefield Guide (This Hallowed Ground, Guides to Civil War Battlefields Series)
by Mark Grimsley, Brooks D. Simpson
Paperback from Bison Bks Corp
Gettysburg Battlefield, Gettysburg Pennsylvania, 1863 (A Civil War Watercolor Map Series)
by Earl B. McElfresh (Map)
Listed under Battle of GettysburgA Gazetteer of the State of Pennsylvania
by Thomas Gordon (Editor)Gunsmiths of Lancaster and York Counties, Pennsylvania
by James B. Whisker, Stacy B.C. WoodHistory of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania : To Which Is Prefixed a Brief Sketch of the Early History of Pennsylvania
by I. Daniel RuppHistory of Berks County, Pennsylvania
by M. L. Montgomery
The Johnstown Flood
Into the American Woods: Negotiators on the Pennsylvania Frontier
by James H. Merrell
Although the American West was ultimately won by killing nearly every Indian who got in the way, the initial contacts between native and Euro-American cultures were for the most part peaceful, defined by the social and geopolitical norms set by the land's original inhabitants. Into the American Woods examines how semiprofessional negotiators defined a "middle ground" in frontier Pennsylvania where schisms between Anglos and native Americans were temporarily appeased for mutual economic and political gain.English colonial administrators, seeking to purchase land, establish trade, and avert conflict, became dependent on opportunists at the colony's edge, such as German entrepreneur Conrad Weiser, or trader George Groghan, to negotiate with the Delaware, Shawnee, Iroquois, and other regional tribes and bands. Uninterested in learning the ways of new arrivals, the native peoples sent sons of mixed European and Indian heritage or Christian converts to negotiate on their behalf. By trading wampum, using sign language, and scribbling pictographs, these go-betweens developed ambiguously effective means of bridging cultural divides. Negotiators, however, did not fully trust each other's intentions and maintained the prejudices of their own cultures. The French-Indian Wars lessened the effectiveness of councils or other forms of negotiation and tensions between Anglo and Native American civilizations intensified, culminating in the infamous "Paxton Boys" massacre of 1763. Each stage of Merrell's lively, extremely well-researched analysis is filled with colorful "woods lore"--anecdotes often comic in nature, focusing on the rampant alcoholism and bawdiness of frontier life--which illustrate the personalities of key negotiators, as well as the strategies and conditions by which White and Native America conversed in the early 18th century, an era when the wampum belt carried more power on the frontier than the flintlock. --John Anderson - Amazon.com
Paperback from W.W. Norton & Company
by David McCullough
The history of civil engineering may sound boring, but in David McCullough's hands it is, well, riveting. His award-winning histories of the Brooklyn Bridge and the Panama Canal were preceded by this account of the disastrous dam failure that drowned Johnstown, Pennsylvania, in 1889. Written while the last survivors of the flood were still alive, McCullough's narrative weaves the stories of the town, the wealthy men who owned the dam, and the forces of nature into a seamless whole. His account is unforgettable: "The wave kept on coming straight toward him, heading for the very heart of the city. Stores, houses, trees, everything was going down in front of it, and the closer it came, the bigger it seemed to grow.... The height of the wall of water was at least thirty-six feet at the center.... The drowning and devastation of the city took just about ten minutes." A powerful, definitive book, and a tribute to the thousands who died in America's worst inland flood. --Mary Ellen Curtin - Amazon.com
Paperback: 302 pages
Simon & Schuster (Paper); ISBN: 0671207148; reprint edition (January 1987)Month-By-Month Gardening in Pennsylvania
Nine Alive: The Miraculous Rescue of the Pennsylvania Miners
by The Associated PressNine for Nine: The Pennsylvania Mine Rescue Miracle
by Andrews MortonSouthern Chester County, PA In Postcards
by Geny, Paul Rodebough, Martha Carson Gentry
Listed under Collectible PostcardsLanghorn & Mary: A 19th Century American Love Story
by Priscilla Stone Sharp
Hardcover from Amber Books
Legends from the Frosty Sons of Thunder
by William Trall Doncaster
Somerset County History
The narrative contained in this volume is a somewhat personal one. It was the result of a privileged conversation with one of America's most revered authors and the fact that I was a professor in the history department of the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown and living in Somerset, Pennsylvania, at the time. It was the winter of 1968. Then president Dr. Theodore Bindle summoned me to his office. He had an assignment for me. David McCullough, author of The Johnstown Flood, was to be a... The Author
Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.50 x 8.75 x 6.00
Publisher: Brandylane; ;
ISBN: 1883911257Letters to the Editor: Two Hundred Years in the Life of an American Town
by Gerard Stropnicky, Tom Byrn, James Goode, Jerry Matheny
Bloomsburg (Pa.)
Paperback from Touchstone Books
One Hundred Years of the Sussex Register and County of Sussex : Record of Historical, Biographical, Industrial, and Statistical Events
by Whitfield Gibbs (Editor)The Pennsylvania Impressionists
by Thomas C. Folk
Listed under American Art HistoryThe Pennsylvania Barn: Its Origin, Evolution, and Distribution in North America
by Robert F. Ensminger, Gregory Conniff, Edward K. Muller, David Schuyler
Paperback from Johns Hopkins Univ Pr
Picture Of Lycoming County
by Pennsylvania Writers' ProjectPittsburgh (Pa's Cultural & Natural Heritage Series)
by Ruth Hoover Seitz, Blair Seitz, Myron Cope
Hardcover from Rb Books
Philadelphia's River Wards (Images of America)
by George J. Holmes
Paperback from Arcadia
Philadelphia's Cultural Landscape : The Sartain Family Legacy
by Katharine Martinez (Editor), Page Talbott (Editor)The Longrifles of Western Pennsylvania: Allegheny and Westmoreland Counties
by Richard F. Rosenberger, Charles Kaufman (Contributor), Bill Owen (Photographer)Pittsburgh Revealed : Photographs Since 1850
by Jan Beatty (Editor)Pittsburgh Then and Now
by Arthur G. SmithThe Pennsylvania Railroad: The 1940S-1950s
by Don, Jr. Ball
Listed under American RailroadsThe Plants of Pennsylvania : An Illustrated Manual
Union County Pennsylvania : A Celebration of History
Roadside Geology of Pennsylvania (Roadside Geology Series)
by Bradford B. Van Diver
Listed under Roadside GeologySmokestacks and Black Diamonds: A History of Carbon County, Pennsylvania
by Joan Campion
Paperback: 300 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.00 x 10.75 x 8.25
Publisher: Canal History & Technology Press; ; (March )
ISBN: 0930973194
Out of Print - Try Used BooksSusquehanna Heartland (Pennsylvania's Cultural and Natural Heritage)
by Ruth Hoover Seitz, Blair Seitz (Photographer)Sweet Land of Liberty: The Ordeal of the American Revolution in Northampton County, Pennsylvania
by Francis S. Fox
Book Description:
It is often said that the American Revolution was a conservative revolution, but in many parts of the British colonies the Revolution was anything but conservative. This book follows the Revolution in Pennsylvania's backcountry through the experiences of eighteen men and women who lived in Northampton County during these years of turmoil."Fox's account will startle many readers for whom the Revolution symbolizes the high-minded pursuit of liberty. In 1774, Northampton County was the second largest of Pennsylvania's eleven counties, comprising more than 2,500 square miles, three towns (Allentown, Bethlehem, and Easton), and some 15,000 people. When the Revolution broke out, militias took control. Frontier justice replaced the rule of law as zealous patriots preoccupied themselves not with fighting the British but with seizing local political power and persecuting their pacifist neighbors.
"Sweet Land of Liberty reawakens the Revolution in Northampton County with sketches of men and women caught up in it. Seldom is this story told from the vantage point of common folks, let alone those in the backcountry. In Fox's hands, we see in these individuals an altogether more disturbing Revolution than we have ever reckoned with before.
Hardcover: 212 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.89 x 9.32 x 6.29
Publisher: Pennsylvania State Univ Pr (Trd); ; (November )
ISBN: 0271020628Rum Punch & Revolution: Taverngoing & Public Life in Eighteenth Century Philadelphia
by Peter ThompsonSet Up Running : The Life of a Pennsylvania Railroad Engineman 1904-1949
by John W. Orr, James D. Porterfield (Introduction)
Listed under American RailroadsSettlement of Germantown, Pennsylvania and the Beginning of German Emigration to North America
by Samuel W. Pennypacker
Hardcover from Ayer Co Pub
Special OrderStanding in the Light : The Captive Diary of Catherine Carey Logan, Delaware Valley, Pennsylvania, 1763 (Dear America)
by Mary Pope Osborne
listed under Dear America SeriesTraveling the Pennsylvania Railroad : The Photographs of William H. Rau
by William Herman Rau (Photographer), et al
Listed under American RailroadsWAITING FOR THE LORD: Nineteenth Century Black Communities in Susquehanna County
by Debra AdlemanThe Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil War - The Eve of War
by Edward L. Ayers, Anne S. Rubin
Listed under Civil War PennsylvaniaThe Winter of Red Snow : The Revolutionary War Diary of Abigail Jane Stewart, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, 1777 (Dear America)
by Kristiana Gregory
Fiction, suitable for children - listed under Dear America Series"We Have It Damn Hard Out Here": The Civil War Letters of Sergeant Thomas W. Smith, 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry
by Thomas W. Smith, Eric J. Wittenberg
Hardcover from Kent State Univ Pr
Clockmakers and Watchmakers of Lancaster County
by Stacy B. C. Wood
Out of Print - Try Used Books
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