
There is no greater illustration of corporate America's moral decay than Amazon. Amazon fired manager protesting Covid-19 infections in warehous.e
Across the Wide Missouri
by Bernard Augustine De Voto
Like many U.S. historians, cultural critic Bernard DeVoto believed that the American character was rooted in the experience of westward expansion. Unlike those who championed the civilizing graces of the agrarian frontier, however, DeVoto drew inspiration from the mercenary, imperial designs of the fur trade. Originally published in 1947, Across the Wide Missouriis arguably the best known of his studies in American history, examining the rise and fall of the U.S. fur dynasties in the 1830s. The book chronicles the competition between John Jacob Astor's American Fur Company and the Rocky Mountain Fur Company, an "opposition" group of trappers (including Jim Bridger and Kit Carson) descended from the earlier entrepreneurial activities of General William H. Ashley. Devoto specifically narrates the major expeditions and the daily experiences of the Western divisions of these companies, which scoured the northernmost regions of the Rocky Mountains for beaver. He contends that, by exploring the recently charted Northern plateau, fighting off interlopers, and setting up trade networks, the loose confederation of trappers, traders, and Native Americans shaped the materialism that typifies modern American society. In his densely detailed description of the company "rendezvous," DeVoto shows how the activities of trading, partying, and resource pooling created a shared experience for competing cultural and economic parties on the frontier. While the centrality of the fur trade in the development of the American character may strike some readers as overemphasized, DeVoto's thesis still carries much relevance for modern American studies. --John M. Anderson - Amazon.com
Paperback - 480 pages Reissue edition (September 1, )
Houghton Mifflin Co (Pap); ISBN: 0395924979Adventures in the Apache Country: A Tour Through Arizona and Sonora, With Notes on the Silver Regions of Nevada (The Far Western Frontier)
by J. Ross Browne
(Hardcover - June 1973)The Alamo Reader
by Todd Hansen
Listed under The AlamoAmerican Frontiers : Cultural Encounters and Continental Conquest
by Gregory H. Nobles
Nobles's narrative begins and ends with the tragic story of the Pequots, from Captain John Mason's cowardly raid on a Pequot camp in 1637 that left more than 300 sleeping Pequots dead to Donald Trump's 1990s lawsuit attempting to deprive the tribe of their gambling license. In the pages of American Frontiers readers will also find details of the French and Indian War, Iroquois involvement in the American Revolution, the California gold rush, Texas independence, the tragedy of Wounded Knee, the resistance of Sitting Bull, and the Ghost Dance movement. Amazon.com
Paperback - 304 pages
Hill & Wang Pub; ISBN: 0809016028Apache Days and Tombstone Nights: John Clum's Autobiography, 1877-1887
by John Philip Clum, Neil B. Carmony (Editor)
Book Description: It has been said that two sagas of the Southwest stand out above all others: the Apache Wars and the turbulent years of Tombstone, Arizona, in the early 1880s. No one was more intimately involved in these events than John Clum. As an Indian agent, Clum was decades ahead of his time. He respected the Apache and, years before Buffalo Bill Cody, took a number of them to the Eastern states as part of a Wild West road show. He was also an Indian fighter who out-foxed Geronimo and took him prisoner at...
Paperback: 185 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.50 x 9.25 x 6.25
Publisher: High Lonesome Books; (September 1, )
ISBN: 0944383416The Arikara Narrative of Custer's Campaign and the Battle of the Little Bighorn
by Orin Grant Libby
Listed under The Indian WarsBetween Midnight and Morning : Historic Hauntings and Ghost Tales from the Frontier, Hispanic and Native American Traditions
by Patrick M. Mendoza
Listed under Ghost StoriesBeulah: A Biography of the Mineral King Valley of California (Great West and Indian Series, Vol 50)
by Louise A. Jackson
(Hardcover - April 1988)Bloody Border: Riots, Battles, and Adventures Along the Turbulent U.S.-Mexican Borderlands (Great West and Indian Series ; 58)
by Douglas V. Meed
(Hardcover - December 1992)Bold Spirit: Helga Estby's Forgotten Walk Across Victorian America
by Sue Armitage, Linda Lawrence Hunt
Listed under Pioneer WomenBound for Santa Fe: The Road to New Mexico and the American Conquest, 1806-1848
by Stephen G. Hyslop
(Hardcover)The Buffalo Soldiers : A Narrative of the Negro Cavalry in the West
by William H. Leckie
Listed under Buffalo SoldiersThe Buffalo Hunters : The Story of the Hide Men
by Mari Sandoz
(Paperback - December 1978)The Black Cowboys (African-American Achievers)
by Gina De Angelis
(Paperback)Black, Buckskin, and Blue : African-American Scouts and Soldiers on the Western Frontier
by Art. T. Burton, Arthur T. Burton
Out of Print - Try Used BooksBlood Meridian, Or, the Evening Redness in the West
by Cormac McCarthy
Fiction. A perverse, picaresque Western about bounty hunters for Indian scalps near the Texas-Mexico border in the 1850s--a ragged caravan of indiscriminate killers led by an unforgettable human monster called "The Judge."
Paperback - 337 pages Reissue edition (May 1992)
Vintage Books; ISBN: 0679728759The Black West : A Documentary and Pictorial History of the African American Role in the Westward Expansion of the United States
by William Loren Katz
(Paperback)Bones, Boats, and Bison : Archeology and the First Colonization of Western North America
by E. James Dixon
(Paperback)Cheyenne Autumn
by Mari Sandoz
Five stars.Cowboys & the Trappings of the Old West
by William Manns, Elizabeth Clair Flood, Charlotte Berney (Editor)
Listed under Cowboy GearThe Contested Plains : Indians, Goldseekers, & the Rush to Colorado
by Elliott West
(Paperback)Coronado's Children: Tales of Lost Mines and Buried Treasures of the Southwest
by James Frank Dobie
Listed under Treasure HuntingCrow Killer : The Saga of Liver-Eating Johnson
by Raymond W. Thorp, Robert Manson Bunker
Basis for the movie Jeremiah Johnson, the tale of a legendary mountain man.
Paperback Reprint edition (September 1988)
Indiana University Press; ISBN: 0253203120The Donner Party Chronicles: A Day-by-Day Account of a Doomed Wagon Train, 1846-47
by Frank Mullen
Listed under The Donner PartyAn Encyclopedia of Women Artists of the American West
by Phil Kovinick, et al
Listed under American Western ArtExploration and Empire : The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West
(Fred H. and Ella Mae Moore Texas History Reprint, No 12)
by William H. Goetzmann
(Hardcover - January )The Fort in Fort Worth
by Clay Perkins
The the trials and tribulations of Fort Worth, Texas, and the people who lived and died there during its brief history.
Hardcover: 288 pages
D & F Scott Pub Inc; ISBN: 1930566093; (October 19, )Facing West : The Metaphysics of Indian-Hating and Empire-Building
by Richard Drinnon
(Paperback)Fort Reno and the Indian Territory Frontier
by Stan Hoig
Glass Plates & Wagon Ruts : Images of the Southwest by Lisle Updike and William Pennington
H. Jackson Clark, et al
HardcoverGold Dust and Gunsmoke : Tales of Gold Rush Outlaws, Gunfighters, Lawmen, and Vigilantes
by John Boessenecker
(Paperback)How to Make Cowboy Horse Gear
by Bruce Grant, Lee Rice
Listed under LeatherworkThe Guns That Won the West : Firearms on the American Frontier, 1848-1898
by John Walter
Hardcover: 256 pages
Greenhill Books/Lionel Leventhal; ISBN: 185367351X; (June )A Good Year to Die : The Story of the Great Sioux War
by Charles M., III Robinson
Listed under The Indian WarsGatewood & Geronimo
by Louis Kraft
Listed under Indian WarsGunfighter: An Autobiography
by John Wesley Hardin
Listed under John Wesley HardinThe Heartsong of Charging Elk
by James Welch
A novel based on the true story of an Oglala Sioux removed from a reservation to perform in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. Dropbears.com
(Hardcover)I See by Your Outfit : Historic Cowboy Gear of the Northern Plains
by Tom Lindmier, Steven R. Mount
Listed under Cowboy Gear'It's Your Misfortune and None of My Own' : A New History of the American West
by Richard White
(Paperback - September 1993)Jackson's Way : Andrew Jackson and the People of the Western Waters
by John Buchanan
Listed under Andrew JacksonJeff Davis's Own : Cavalry, Comanches and the Battle for the Texas Frontier
by James R. Arnold
(Hardcover)Jesse James: Last Rebel of the Civil War
by T. J. Stiles
Listed under Jesse JamesThe Kachina and the Cross : Indians and Spaniards in the Early Southwest
by Carroll L. Riley
(Hardcover)A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains
by Isabella Lucy BirdLetters of a Woman Homesteader
by Elinore Pruitt Stewart, et al
Listed under Pioneer WomenThe Life and Legend of Jay Gould
by Maury Klein
A history of American Railroads
Listed under American RailroadsA Life Wild and Perilous : Mountain Men and the Paths to the Pacific
by Robert M. Utley
(Paperback)The Legacy of Conquest : The Unbroken Past of the American West
by Patricia Nelson Limerick
(Paperback - April 1988)The Long, Bitter Trail : Andrew Jackson and the Indians (Critical Issue)
by Anthony F. C. Wallace, Eric Foner (Editor)
The Long, Bitter Trail considers the dramatic, little-understood factors that led to the Indian Removal Act of 1830.
Paperback - 143 pages (August 1993)
Hill & Wang Pub; ISBN: 0809015528The Montana Cowboy : Legends of the Big Sky Country
by David R. Stoecklein et al.
Listed under Montana HistoryMassacre at Mountain Meadows: An American Legend and a Monumental Crime
by William Wise
An extraordinary account of the murder of innocents by religious zealots.
Listed under The Mountain Meadows MassacreMarking the Sparrow's Fall : Wallace Stegner's American West
by Page Stegner (Preface), Wallace Earle Stegner
(Hardcover)The Medicine Line: Life and Death on a North American Borderland
by Beth LaDow
(Hardcover)My Life on the Plains : Or Personal Experiences With the Indians
by George Armstrong Custer
Listed under Custer's Last StandNo Life for a Lady
by Agnes Morley, Cleaveland, et al
Listed under Pioneer WomenNothing Like It in the World : The Men Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad 1863-1869
by Stephen E. Ambrose
Listed under American RailroadsOne Drop of Blood : The American Misadventure of Race
by Scott L. Malcomson
(Hardcover)The Oregon Trail
by Francis, Jr. Parkman
Listed under The Oregon TrailA Newer World : Kit Carson, John C. Fremont, and the Claiming of the American West
by David Roberts
(Paperback)The Peacemakers : Arms and Adventure in the American West
by R. L. Wilson, Peter Beard (Photographer)
(Hardcover - November 1992)Pioneer Women: The Lives of Women on the Frontier
by Linda Peavy, Ursula Smith
Listed under Pioneer WomenThe Promised Land
by Ruhama Veltfort, Ruhama Veltford
Historical novel which has received very good reviews.
(Hardcover)Red Blood and Black Ink: Journalism in the Old West
by David Dary
(Paperback)Sam Houston
by James L. Haley
Listed under Sam Houston
Tularosa: Last of the Frontier West
Tough Trip Through Paradise, 1878-1879
by Andrew Garcia, Bennett H. Stein
A first-hand account of the Montana frontier, including the massacre of the Nez Perce tribe by the U.S. Army as related by his wife, herself a Nez Perce. Db.
Paperback from Univ of Idaho Pr
by Charles L. Sonnichsen
Listed under New MexicoThe Real Virginian: The Saga of Edwin Burnham Trafton, Last of the Stagecoach Robbers
by John Watson
Listed under Lawmen & OutlawsWho Built America
by Nelson Lichtenstein, et al
(Paperback)Wyatt Earp: The Life Behind the Legend
by Casey Tefertiller
Listed under Wyatt EarpThe Year of Decision 1846
by Bernard Augustine De Voto, et al
Year of Decision 1846 tells many fascinating stories of the U.S. explorers who began the western march from the Mississippi to the Pacific, from Canada to the annexation of Texas, California, and the southwest lands from Mexico. It is the penultimate book of a trilogy which includes Across the Wide Missouri (for which DeVoto won both the Pulitzer and Bancroft prizes) and The Course of Empire. DeVoto's narrative covers the expanding Western frontier, the Mormons, the Donner party, Fremont's exploration, the Army of the West, and takes readers into Native American tribal life. Amazon.com
Industrial Cowboys: Miller & Lux and the Transformation of the Far West, 1850-1920
by David Igler
Hardcover from University of California Press
The Story of the West
by Robert M. Utley, John Logan Allen, James P. Ronda
Hardcover from DK Publishing
Two Great Scouts and Their Pawnee Battalion: The Experiences of Frank J. North and Luther H. North, Pioneers in the Great West, 1856-1882, and Their Defence of the Building of the Union Pacific r
by George Bird Grinnell, James T. King
Paperback from Univ of Nebraska PrWritten With Lead: Legendary American Gunfights and Gunfighters
William Weir
Out of Print - Try Used BooksPlains Women : Women in the American West (Women in History Series)
by Paula Bartley, et al
(Paperback - March 1991)
Out of Print - Try Used Books
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