
There is no greater illustration of corporate America's moral decay than Amazon. Amazon fired manager protesting Covid-19 infections in warehous.e
Abstracts of Early East Texas Newspapers, 1839-1856
by Linda Cheves Nicklas
Listed under Texas GenealogyAdobe Walls: The History and Archeology of the 1874 Trading Post
by T. Lindsay Baker, Billy R. Harrison, B. Byron PriceAlamo to Espada: A Vintage Postcard Profile of San Antonio's Spanish Missions
by Lewis F. Fisher
Listed under Collectible PostcardsThe American Slave--Texas Narratives : Part 2, Supp. Ser. 2, Vol. 8
by Rawick
Listed under Slave NarrativesAs Old As Dallas Itself
by Darwin Payne
(Hardcover)Between the Enemy and Texas: Parsons's Texas Cavalry in the Civil War
by Anne J. Bailey
Listed under Civil War TexasBlack Cowboys of Texas
by Sara R. Massey (Editor), Alwyn Barr (Introduction)Black Frontiersman : The Memoirs of Henry O. Flipper, First black Graduate of West Point
by Henry Ossian Flipper, Theodore D. Harris (Editor)
Out of Print - Try Used BooksBlood of Noble Men: The Alamo Siege and Battle
by Alan C. Huffines, Gary S. Zaboly (Illustrator)
Listed under The AlamoBirds of Houston
by B. C. Robison, John L. Tveten (Photographer), John L. Tueken (Photographer)Butterflies of Houston & Southeast Texas (Corrie Herring Hooks Series, No. 32)
by John L. Tveten, Gloria Tveten (Contributor)
Listed under ButterfliesComanches in the New West, 1895-1908: Historic Photographs
by Stanley Noyes, Daniel J. Gelo
Listed under Comanche IndiansCity on Fire: The Forgotten Story of a Disaster That Destroyed a Town and the Landmark Legal Battle That Ensued
by Bill Minutaglio
(Hardcover)The Courthouses of Texas: A Guide
by Mavis P. Kelsey, Donald H. Dyal (Contributor)Cowboy Spurs and Their Makers (Texas A&M University, No 35)
by Jane Pattie, et al
Listed under Cowboy GearCrazy Water: The Story of Mineral Wells and Other Texas Health Resorts (Chisholm Trail Series, No 10)
by Gene Fowler, Larry L. King
Listed under Spas & Health Resorts
Death of a Legend: The Myth and Mystery Surrounding the Death of Davy Crockett
Dallas Reconsidered : Essays in Local History
by Michael V. Hazel
Book Description: Dallas Reconsidered contains essays by a number of historians examining various aspects of the history of Dallas. As the title suggests, the book attempts to examine sides of the city's history that previously have been neglected. Its topics range from attempts to navigate the Trinity River to early Italian settlers to women's clubs to early flying exhibitions. The editor is Michael V. Hazel. This present paperback edition follows original publication in 1995 in hardcover.
Paperback from Three Forks Press
by Bill Groneman
Paperback from Republic of Texas Pr
Donna Texas (Images of America)
by Laura Lincoln, Karen Gerhardt, Amy Alejandro
Paperback from Arcadia
Eyes Right: Vintage Postcard Profile of San Antonio's Military
by Lewis F. Fisher
Listed under Collectible PostcardsThe Face of Texas: Portraits of Texans
by Michael O'Brien, Elizabeth O'Brien
Hardcover from Bright Sky Press
A Field Guide to Stone Artifacts of Texas Indians (Gulf Publishing Field Guide Series.)
by Ellen Sue Turner, et al
(Paperback)Flags of Texas
by Charles E., Jr. Gilbert, James Rice
Hardcover from Pelican Pub Co
1989Fort Davis: Outpost on the Texas Frontier
by Robert Wooster
Publisher: Texas State Historical Assn;The First Polish Americans: Silesian Settlements in Texas
by T. Lindsay Baker
Listed under Texas GenealogyFrom Can See to Can't: Texas Cotton Farmers on the Southern Prairies
by Thad Sitton, Dan K. Utley (Contributor)German Pioneers on the American Frontier : The Wagners in Texas and Illinois
by Andreas V. Reichstein
Listed under Illinois HistoryGlen Rose: Texas (Images of America)
by Gene Fowler, Somervell County Historical Commission
Paperback from Arcadia
Gunfighter: An Autobiography
Gone to Texas: A History of the Lone Star State
by Randolph B. Campbell
Hardcover from Oxford University Press
by John Wesley Hardin
Listed under John Wesley Hardin
Isaac's Storm : A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History
The History of Texas
by Robert A. Calvert, Arnoldo De Leon, Gregg Cantrell
Paperback from Harlan Davidson
by Erik Larson, Isaac Monroe Cline
Listed under HurricanesKings of Texas : The 150-Year Saga of an American Ranching Empire
by Don Graham (Author)
Listed under Texas GenealogyLas Tejanas : 300 Years of History
by Teresa Palomo Acosta, Ruthe Winegarten
Paperback from Univ of Texas Press
Los Mestenos: Spanish Ranching in Texas, 1721-1821 (Centennial Series of the Association of Former Students, No 18)
by Jack Jackson
Lone Star Justice: The First Century of the Texas Rangers
Lone Star: A History of Texas and the Texans
by T. R. Fehrenbach
Paperback from DaCapo Press
by Robert M. Utley
Listed under Texas RangersLone Star Preacher : Being a Chronicle of the Acts of Praxiteles Swan, M. E. Church South Sometime Captain, 5th Texas Regiment Confederate States
by John W. Thomason, Max Lale (Designer)Memorial and Genealogical Record of Southwest Texas
by Goodspeed Publishing Company
Listed under Texas GenealogyMuleshoe and More : The Remarkable Stories Behind the Naming of Texas Towns
by Clare Bradfield, William H. Bradfield
(Paperback)Our Land Before We Die: The Proud Story of the Seminole Negro
by Jeff Guinn
(Hardcover)Places Left Unfinished at the Time of Creation
by John Phillip Santos
Mexican American journalist John Phillip Santos's lyrical and loving memoir explores his family's history in magnificent prose touched with the singing cadences of his Spanish-language heritage yet vibrant with the energy of American English. It's a combination utterly suited to his native San Antonio, where las viejitas--the little old ladies of the Garcia and Santos families--ruled over their children and grandchildren with the toughness and grandeur of the Mexico they left during the revolution of 1914. "Poised between those ancient Indio origins from the south ... and our Mestizo future in the north," these new Texans made Mexico live for their descendants in the magical stories and folkloric practices of an older culture. Yet there was also a sense of secrets kept and cherished possessions left behind, of people who had traveled far and traveled light. The "wind of story" was also "a wind of forgetting," and as Santos probes his heritage, he comes to understand that "it is okay to move on and forget." Nonetheless, this is a book that restores to memory the drama not just of a single family but of an entire people whose past is more closely entwined with that of the United States than some Americans care to remember. Santos depicts them with care and dignity. --Wendy Smith - Amazon.com
Paperback: 284 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.62 x 7.76 x 5.09
Publisher: Penguin USA (Paper); ; Reissue edition (August 1, )
ISBN: 0140292020People and Places in the Texas Past
Book Description: People and Places In The Texas Past is about the interesting things that usually fall down between the cracks of Texas history. It deals with Theodore Roosevelt's trip to see Jack Abernathy catch wolves with his bare hands; Bigfoot Wallace chasing buffalo down Austin's Congress Avenue; Josiah Wilbarger's living in spite of the loss of his scalp; Fort Worth real estate man Charles Post, Postum, Post Toasties and General Foods; the Houston Ship Channel and other subjects Texan.
Hardcover: ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.00 x 11.50 x 9.00
Publisher: Yellow Rose Pr; ; (November 1983)
ISBN: 0912854057Remembering Buddy: The Definitive Biography of Buddy Holly
by John Goldrosen, John Beecher
Listed under Buddy Holly
Roadside Geology of Texas
Revolution in Texas: How a Forgotten Rebellion and Its Bloody Suppression Turned Mexicans into Americans
by Benjamin Heber Johnson
Book Description: In Revolution in Texas Benjamin Johnson tells the little-known story of one of the most intense and protracted episodes of racial violence in United States history. In 1915, against the backdrop of the Mexican Revolution, the uprising that would become known as the Plan de San Diego began with a series of raids by ethnic Mexicans on ranches and railroads. Local violence quickly erupted into a regional rebellion. In response, vigilante groups and the Texas Rangers staged an even bloodier counterinsurgency, culminating in forcible relocations and mass executions. Faced with the overwhelming forces arrayed against it, the uprising eventually collapsed. But, as Johnson demonstrates, the rebellion resonated for decades in American history. Convinced of the futility of using force to protect themselves against racial discrimination and economic oppression, many Mexican Americans elected to seek protection as American citizens with equal access to rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution.
Hardcover from Yale Univ Pr
by Darwin Spearing
Listed under Roadside GeologyRailroads of Western Texas: San Antonio to El Paso
by Douglas Lee Braudaway
Listed under American RailroadsSearch for the Shadowman
by Joan Lowery Nixon
Reading level: Ages 9-12Peculiar Honor: A History of the 28th Texas Cavalry, 1862-1865
by M. Jane Johansson
Listed under Civil War TexasSam Houston
by James L. Haley
Listed under Sam HoustonThe Seventh Flag: Comanche Indians in Texas
by John Proctor
Listed under Comanche IndiansThe Texas Kickapoo: Keepers of Tradition
by Bill Wright, et al
Listed under Kickapoo IndiansTexas Flags
by Robert, Jr. Maberry, Peter C. MarzioTexas Rivers
by John Graves, Wyman Meinzer
Hardcover from Texas Parks & Wildlife Pr
The Texas Sheriff: Lord of the County Line
by Thad Sitton
Hardcover from Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Trd)
Texas Volunteers In The Mexican War
by Charles D. SpurlinTerry Texas Ranger Trilogy: Terry's Texas Rangers, Reminiscences of the Terry Rangers, the Diary of Ephraim Shelby Dodd
by Thomas W. Cutrer et al
Listed under Texas Rangers
Voices from the Wild Horse Desert: The Vaquero Families of the King and Kenedy Ranches
Trees of Texas: A Guide to Easy Identification (W.L. Moody, Jr., Natural History Series, No 34)
by Carmine A. Stahl, Ria McElvaney
Hardcover from Texas A&M University Press
by Jane Clements Monday et al.Wildflowers of Houston and Southeast Texas
by John L. Tveten, Gloria Tveten (Contributor)The Texas 36th Division: A History
by Bruce L. Brager
Book Description: The 36th Division was formed in 1917, just after the United States entered World War I. The division's documented ancestors in the Texas National Guard, the Texas Volunteer Guard, and the Texas militia trace back to the 1870s. The tradition in which the 36th played so great a part even predates the 1836 defense of the Alamo.This history explores the division's origins and also goes "over there" with the 36th for combat in World War I, chronicles the division in state National Guard service between the world wars, and witnesses its federalization in 1940, followed by combat training in 1940-1942 and combat action in Italy and France during the Second World War.
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