Automotive Posters

There is no greater illustration of corporate America's moral decay than Amazon. Amazon fired manager protesting Covid-19 infections in warehous.e
A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Street Supercharging : How to Install & Tune Blowers
by Pat Ganahl
Paperback - 144 pages Revised edition
CarTech, Inc.; ISBN: 1884089291Blown Flathead: How to Build a Supercharged Flathead Ford, 2nd Ed.
by Joseph P., P.E. Abbin
Listed under Ford Engines
Motorcycle Turbocharging, Supercharging & Nitrous Oxide : A Complete Guide to Forced Induction and Its Use on Modern Motorcycle Engines
by Joe Haile
Paperback - 144 pages
Whitehorse Press; ISBN: 1884313078
by Hugh MacInnes
The most comprehensive turbocharger book available, Turbochargers tells readers how to select and install the correct turbo for big and small HP gains. Covers turbo design, sizing and matching; controls, carburetion, exhaust, ignition, intercooling, marine and high altitude applications. Turbo suppliers and kit-maker addresses included.
Paperback (July 1984)
H.P. Books; ISBN: 0895861356
Maximum Boost : Designing, Testing, and Installing Turbocharger Systems
by Corky Bell
Paperback - 256 pages (April )
Robert Bentley; ISBN: 0837601606Sport Compact Nitrous Injection
by Joe Pettitt
Paperback - 128 pages (April )
CarTech, Inc.; ISBN: 1884089623
Out of Print - Try Used BooksSupercharged! Design, Testing and Installation of Supercharger Systems
by Corky Bell
Textbook Binding - 334 pages 1st edition (November )
Bentley Publishers; ISBN: 0837601681Supercharging, Turbocharging, & Nitrous Oxide Performance Handbook (Powerpro)
by Earl Davis, Diane Davis
Paperback - 160 pages (December )
Motorbooks International; ISBN: 0760308373
Nitrous Oxide Injection Guide
by Joe Pettitt
Nitrous oxide is potentially one of the easiest, least expensive, and fastest ways of producing a substantial increase in horsepower. This new title, written with the assistance of one of the industry's largest manufacturers of nitrous equipment, provides the latest technical information available regarding the proper installation and use of this high performance, yet potentially damaging, equipment.
Paperback - 128 pages ()
Cartech Inc; ISBN: 1884089224Nitrous-Oxide Injection
David Vizard
Published by Motorbooks International 1987
ISBN: 0931472164
Out of Print - Try Used BooksThe story is told of one of Australia's better known car racing drivers who was out for a spin with Wayne Gardner in a souped up, turbo-charged street car. They were doing well over a hundred miles per hour, with the turbo up near maximum boost, when Wayne said "What happens if we turn the nitrous on?". "Dunno, let's find out." Followed by an almighty bang.
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