Automotive Posters

There is no greater illustration of corporate America's moral decay than Amazon. Amazon fired manager protesting Covid-19 infections in warehous.e
Auto Audio
by Andrew R. Yoder
Paperback - 400 pages 2nd edition (June 12, )
McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing; ISBN: 0071346899
How to Design and Install High Performance Car Stereo : A Beginners Guide to High Tech Auto Sound Systems (S-A Design)
by Joe Pettitt
Paperback - 128 pages
Cartech Inc; ISBN: 1884089178Automotive Audio Systems
by Homer L. Davidson
Delmar Publishers
Paperback - 320 pages
Car Stereo Speaker Projects Illustrated
by Daniel L. Ferguson, Dan Ferguson
Book Description: Save a fortune on great-performing customized car speakers. If done by an installer, custom speakers can run to thousands of dollars and your satisfaction isn't necessarily guaranteed. The best solution is to build your own. Car Stereo Speaker Projects Illustrated, by Dan Ferguson, is the one and only illustrated project book that will take you step-by-step through the design and installation of your own customized car speakers, with minimum tools and equipment. You get 20 complete projects covering both front and rear speakers for sedans, pickups, vans, Jeeps, and SVUs. Many of the designs appear nowhere else--and virtually all have tested in use and found to be significant improvements over conventional wisdom. Each project takes you from the circuit schematic to the construction of the enclosure to installing the system in the vehicle. This hands-on guide is loaded with hundreds of digital photos--plus design spreadsheets, Thiele-Small parameter measurement techniques, and examples of speaker design shareware in the Appendix.
Paperback - 272 pages (July 17, )
McGraw-Hill; ISBN: 0071359680
The Car Stereo Cookbook : How to Design, Choose, and Install Car Stereo Systems
by Mark Rumreich
Paperback - 272 pages (August 17, )
McGraw-Hill; ISBN: 0070580839Speakers for Your Home and Automobile
by Gordon McComb, Eric Evans, Alvis Evans
Paperback - 192 pages 2nd edition
Delmar Publishers; ISBN: 0790611198Designing, Building, and Testing Your Own Speaker System With Projects
by David B. Weems
Book Description: The definitive do-it-yourself book on creating and testing all kinds of speaker systems is updated for the computer age, covering the latest makes and models and featuring an innovative computer program to assist with speaker design. Previous editions of this compendium of simple-to-advanced...Introduction to Loudspeaker Design
by John L. MurphyAdvanced Speaker Designs for the Hobbyist & Technician
by Ray Alden
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