Birth Year : 1727
Death Year : 1804
Country : Italy
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo was born in Venice. He was the elder son of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770), and with his brother Lorenzo studied under his father, the greatest painter of the three and the greatest late Baroque or early Rococo decorative artist in Europe. The elder Tiepolo, who had studied with Lazzarini and was influenced by Ricci and Piazzetta, rediscovered Veronese in 1725, and his work from that date on has an airy, flamboyant and theatrical style, a delicate use of light and color, and an extraordinary handling of space. Figures on ceiling paintings float in the heavens, and wall paintings have the charm, gaiety, and fantasy that is the culmination of the Venetian spirit. The elder Tiepolo made small oil sketches for ceiling and wall paintings, and Domenico (his chief assistant by the time he was thirteen), Lorenzo, and dozens of assistants transferred these in full-scale to palaces, churches, and homes. Domenico assisted his father not only in Venice but also in Wurzburg (1751-53), in Vicenza at the Villa Valmarana (1757) and in Madrid in the Royal Palace of Charles II (1762-70). After the death of his father in Madrid in 1700, Domenico returned to Venice to work in that city as well as in Genoa and Padua. He continued in the great Venetian decorative tradition, but began to paint more realistically and to portray his subjects in satiric and grotesque scenes of Venetian life. His color is that of Veronese; his movement lively. His compositions have an irresistible gaiety and although his style was imitative of his father, it was more solidly executed.
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