privacy center (August 2009)
This program has many versions. Many of the repairs on the net will
not work. This one may not work for you.
The version I encountered had disabled taskmanager (perhaps even deleted
it) and disallowed most exe files from executing so it was not possible
to install any AV programs in the usual manner.
Download mbam at,
rename exe file to com file. Install. It may hang, or not install at all.
Download the following file and save to your desktop.
Again, rename this to a .com and install.
Follow instructions found at
and Anti-Spyware Software
Anti Spyware
or go to this address:
Download and install.
AVG antivirus software:
go to bottom of page and download from the yellow box the file: avg70free_338a597.exe
Avast Antivirus works well, and has a free version
Nod32 is great, but not free
Malwearbytes is really good for all sorts of Malwear removal.
A note on Macafee Antivirus: Be Warned!
If you subscribe to Macafee using a credit card, you may find it very difficult
to unsubscribe. Macafee may continue to renew your subscription until the
card is no longer valid or is devoid of funds. That, anyway, was my experience.
and Symantic Fined for Unauthorised Renewals
The third step you you should consider is a personal firewall.
There are many available, can't say which is best but the one I currently
use is Kerio Personal Firewall
illivid searchqu
searchcore for browsers
Almost certainly spyware related to illivid (ilivid?), bandoo and searchqu
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